I'm sitting here, the last Sunday evening of 2014, trying to find some clever or noteworthy quote to bid farewell to this year, but can't find anything to sum up what I want to say.
I have to confess, 2014 hasn't been the best year. It's not terrible, and there are a few highlights (like being brace-free after 3.5 years), but overall, I feel like I took a few steps back in life and still trying to make sense of everything. There's only so much I can do to control things before I have to let the universe do its job while I exert a bit of patience. Still working on that last part.
Either way, this year has taught me a lot about myself and the direction I want to take, both personally and professionally. Thanks to everyone who still follows this blog of mine. I know posts were few and far between but I hope to remedy that in the coming year.
Best wishes to you, and here's to the end and beginning of things.